In these sketches, drawn during a time of both idleness and detachment, I have tried to capture figures in moments of surprise rather than in composed, deliberate poses. Throughout this process, I have asked myself:
Do angels and magic exist? How far can rationality truly take us in life? What beliefs sustain those who endure the harshest conditions, propelling them forward despite everything? At what point does the body collapse under the weight of life? And if it doesn’t, how does it appear in its most critical moments—mad? Irrational? Foolish or genius? A rebel? Or perhaps pitiable and worrisome?
…Love, too, is a catastrophic and intense moment that momentarily strips us of reason, leaving us lost in its overwhelming force.
In this collection, I have sought to share with you those unbearable moments—moments that we call life, encased within bodies, yet impossible to define in a single word.
Life demands thousands upon thousands of images and narratives to be understood, though for me, capturing a state of being has always mattered more than merely creating an image.